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[国际合作] Breeding for drought tolerance with known gene information funded by GCP

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Title: Breeding for drought tolerance with known gene information

Period: January 2008 to December 2009

Principal Investigator:Jiankang Wang (quantitative geneticist and simulation modeler)

Partners: CIMMYT, Mexico

                   CSIRO and UQ, Australia

                   CAAS, China

                   INRA, France

                   ICRISAT, India

Objectives: In this proposal, our objectives are (1) to develop simulation tools for direct application in the study of drought adaptation; (2) to improve the QTL detection power and to conduct intensive QTL mapping studies in order to acquire precise gene information and build increasingly realistic and robust genetic modes; and (3) to apply the simulation tools in ongoing breeding programs and to train breeders to be able to continually and autonomously optimize their ongoing drought tolerance breeding programs. http://www.generationcp.org