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QTL IciMapping V4.1

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QTL IciMapping: Integrated Software for Building Genetic Linkage Maps and Mapping Quantitative Trait Genes


Current version: V4.1; Released 14 January 2016 ;Updated 16 June 2016;Updated 28 July 2016


Version history: v1.0 released February 2007; v1.4 released June 2007; v2.0 released November 2007; v2.1 released August 2008; v2.2 released December 2008; v3.0 released September 2010; v3.1 released May 2011; v3.2 released April 2012; v3.3 released July 2013; v4.0 released May 2014


What is new in V4.1? (1) Change the tool ANOVA to the first functionality AOV. Additional methods such as correlation analysis between traits and environments, bi-plot analysis were added. (2) More options were provided for missing phenotypic values. In the current version, missing phenotypic values can be represented by “NA”, “na”, “*”, or “.”. Previous “-100” option is still valid. (3) In BIN functionality, markers can be deleted by their distortions, represented by P values. (4) In MAP functionality, a new grouping algorithm was added for a given group number. Parameter-setting window was re-arranged. (5) In output files from Simple Interval Mapping and Inclusive Composite Interval Mapping, the confidence intervals of QTL position were provided by the one-LOD drop criterion. (6) For all QTL mapping method, PVE (phenotypic variation explained) of individual QTL were adjusted once QTL mapping was done. The adjusted PVE are additive.


Technical development of QTL IciMapping: The software is project based, where kernel modules for building linkage maps were written by C#, those for QTL mapping was written by Fortran 90/95, and the interface was written by C#. It runs on Windows XP/Vista/7, with .NET Framework 2.0(x86)/3.0/3.5.


Advanced versions for 64-bit MS Windows systems and other operating systems are available at a reasonable cost. The advanced versions are more efficient and are able to handle much larger dataset (e.g. 30~50k markers). Please contact us for more details.


Contacts: wangjiankang@caas.cn; lihuihui@caas.cn; zhangluyan@caas.cn; menglei@caas.cn







